I've started Project 365 on March 1st, 2009. I'll be posting my pictures almost daily in this blog along my memories in words.
2009. március 27., péntek
Picture 27; March 27th, 2009
At last! Eszter's new skates arrived today (OK, they are used and old. But new to us!). She was so happy! I think we are going to the Ice Center again tomorrow morning. I wish I hadn't broken our car on Wednesday... Now we have to get up really early to be there on time since we have to go by train.

Picture 26; March 26th, 2009
2009. március 25., szerda
Picture 25; March 25th, 2009
Picture 24; March 24th, 2009
Today I made my first sponge cake! I've been planning to try it for ages, but I was never brave enough to do it. Today I just wished for somethig sweet and I thought "why not?". So I made it and it wasn't at all difficult. Except that maybe I could have used a smaller baking pan so it could have been higher. But it was good this way as well. I've put some walnuts in too. By the time I got to taking a picture only this much was left (the plate was full but my husband ate it - maybe he liked it...)

Picture 23; March 23th, 2009
Picture 22; March 22nd, 2009
Picture 20; March 20th, 2009
Picture 19; March 19th, 2009
Eszter decided she wants to be a princess. Then she became Peti's mom for a while and they had some dinner. She was serving him meal, and everything. It was so sweet...
Picture 18; March 18th, 2009
Picture 17; March 17th, 2009
Yes, this is what I was doing all day. Computers. The desktop system needed reinstalling, and since we use many programs, it took the whole day (and also because in the meanwhile I had to make lunch, had to hoover the house, pick up Eszter from kindergarden, watch the kids in the afternoon...). While reinstalling the desktop computer, I was busy making scrapbook pages and also creating some kind of system amongst by scrapbook goodies...

Picture 16; March 16th, 2009
This is baby Island. Every Monday we take the kids there to swim. Eszter is in a group where they learn without parents now, but Peti is still baby-swimming. Somethig that we found very useful from the start. Eszter started it when she was 6 months old, and Peti started when he was only 6 weeks! At that time he was doing it in aour bath of yourse, but he also goes to Baby Island from the age of 3 months. And they do love it. Can you find Peti on the picture?

2009. március 15., vasárnap
Picture 15; March 15th, 2009
In Hungary March 15th is a national holiday. We are remembering the revolution of 1848-1849 that started on this day. But we weren't participating in any of the celebrations. Instead we had a family celebration of the name day of my little sister, her fiance, and my brother-in-law (mí other sister's husband). It was great to be together. I really love family gatherings! That's me on the right with my husband:

Picture 14; March 14th, 2009
Today was a beautiful spring day. We did so much! We painted pictures in the morning, then watched Winnie-the-Pooh on video. After that we went outside in the garden to play and took some lovely pictures of nature. Then we had lunch and had a rest (even I slept an hour or so, since my husband came home and took care of Eszter who never sleeps...). Then for tea we had custard which was delicious!
I just can't decide what to keep for the project, so I'll keep two pictures. I've missed one yesterday anyway. So here's one of the children doing some painting:

And here is one showing the beautiful buds coming out. I really IS spring time!
I just can't decide what to keep for the project, so I'll keep two pictures. I've missed one yesterday anyway. So here's one of the children doing some painting:

And here is one showing the beautiful buds coming out. I really IS spring time!

Picture 13; March 13th, 2009
Well, shame on me! I haven't taken a picture of today, I neither could I decide on what. Nothing has happened this day except that I was feeling really tense and was very impatient with the kids. So no picture taken!
Picture 12; March 12th, 2009
2009. március 12., csütörtök
Picture 11; March 11th, 2009
Picture 10; March 10th, 2009
Picture 9; March 9th, 2009
In the afternoon my husband asked me if I wanted to go to the homegroup meeting. He offered to feed the children, do the bath and put them to bed. Wow! I went to the meeting and it was good. Since I didn't have the children with me, I could listen to God's word, and it was fantastic. So I took a picture of the Bible, since it would have seemed awkward to start takng pictures there of the people.

2009. március 9., hétfő
Picture 8; March 8th, 2009
Today we had a visit from my second cousin and his fiancé and mom. They came to invite us to their wedding in June and to ask Eszterto be one of the bridesmaids. She happily said yes. So there's a new opportunity to dress up again! At last she can have a pink dress! At my sister's wedding last year she had to have dark-red, this year at my other sister's wedding she has to have green or white (if you look back a few notes you can see she is going to have white). But she always wanted pink! That's her favourite colour (she really IS a girl...). On this wedding there are no colour requirements, so we are going to look for a pink dress now.
After the visitors were gone Eszter went out in the garden with her daddy and got me some snowdrops. It really is spring now! On the picture you can see the flowers and the wedding invitation.
After the visitors were gone Eszter went out in the garden with her daddy and got me some snowdrops. It really is spring now! On the picture you can see the flowers and the wedding invitation.

Picture 7; March 7th, 2009
Today we went to the Ice Center with Eszter and Péter. Only Eszti was supposed to skate, but Peti was standing in the door all the time, and suddenly one of the trainers picked him up and took him for a ride! He was so happy! After that He always wanted to go back, so the lady took him once more. So here he is on the ice.

Picture 6; March 6th, 2009
Well, I'm going to do a bit of cheating. On this day the most important thing we did was to buy Eszter a skate. She loves ice skating and wants to learn, but we didn't have a skate for her, and it is not easy to find one cheap since she has such small feet. At last I found someone who sold us hers, and I wanted to take a picture of the skates to commemorate this day. However, I didn't, so the cheating is that I am going to take a picture later and put it here as if it was the 6th picture. Sorry about that!
Well at last here it is!
Well at last here it is!

2009. március 6., péntek
Picture 5; March 5th, 2009.
We are preparing for my youngest sister's wedding in May. She asked my other sister and me to be bridesmaids (it is funny though since we are both married now, but we are really good sisters), and also Eszter, who is going to be the "flower-girl" in the church. Yesterday we went to choose a dress for the adults and for Eszter. This is what she chose to wear (yes, she tried on three, this was the second, and SHE chose this one!!!)

Picture 4; March 4th, 2009.
This one is about my angel-for-one-day. Yes, from evening the previous day she had been an angel doing everything I asked her to do the way she had to do it. In the morning she put her coat, shoes and the rest on alone, saying: "I can do it, I'm grown up now!". At the kindergarden she changed all alone again, and did everything the way I asked, not running around as on other days. I thought Wow! If only this would last... Lately we got some bad remarks from various places on her behaviour, and I was feeling really bad about this. But this day started out just perfect!
The picture was taken in the afternoon when we got home. Of course the whole "angel" thing did not last long, so on this pictire it is the old cheeky little Eszter again, but the morning really made my day.
The picture was taken in the afternoon when we got home. Of course the whole "angel" thing did not last long, so on this pictire it is the old cheeky little Eszter again, but the morning really made my day.

2009. március 3., kedd
Picture 3; March 3rd, 2009.
Today I only realized I haven't yet taken any pictures when the kids were having their baths. So I decided to take a picture of that. I didn't do anythig interesting anyway. I was at home all day with Peti and then later went to pick up Eszti from kindergarden.
So here is how they play together almost every evening in the bath:
So here is how they play together almost every evening in the bath:

Picture 2; March 2nd, 2009.
This one is about my son, Péter.
Two weeks ago we started to attend a music nursery. It's about 45 minutes once a week. We sing and rhyme with the little ones and Péter enjoys it so much! I enjoy it too. At last a place where I go regularly and meet people and also it is variety for Peti as well. This was our second time. The lady who leads it always brings an instrument that the children can listen to and they can try it as well. This week it was an alt-flute and a triangle. When the lady asked who wants to have a go first, Peti was of course the first to jump up and there he was playing. It is interesting the way he holds the stick though. He is very likely to become left-handed and he holds the stick the same way he holds the pencil. We tried to show him the right way, but he didn't change.

Picture 1; March 1st, 2009
OK, here's the first picture.
Yes, these are my lovely children. We were at Verőce for the weekend with the youth group of our church. The weekend was really lovely, we had some great laughes, and wonderful weather. Eszter even went for a big tour with her daddy and with the group. However they came back early because of the great mud, and also Eszter had to "go" on the way and all her clothes became wet...
The pictrue was taken on Sunday while we were waiting for the Sunday sermon to begin. They (or I should say Eszter) were pretending to be bride and groom going to church for their wedding. Aren't they the loveliest couple on Earth?

The pictrue was taken on Sunday while we were waiting for the Sunday sermon to begin. They (or I should say Eszter) were pretending to be bride and groom going to church for their wedding. Aren't they the loveliest couple on Earth?
Hi there!
My name is Mariann, but everyone calls me Maja. I'm a mom to three and a half-year old Eszter and 19 months old Péter. I live in Hungary and if I haven't been staying at home with the kids, I would be a teacher of Maths and Computer Science. My hobbies would be webpage making, reading, embroidery if I had the time. A few month ago I came across a new candidate for a hobby, and this is digital scrapbooking. I love taking photos, but never have the time to make albums. I hope I will manage to find time to get to know a lot about this kind of creative album making. I've already downloaded tons of stuff now I only have to start using them.
Reading about scrapbooking led me to Project365. You can also read about this project here. I love the idea of taking a picture each day and thus having a nice record of the whole year. I've decided to try it, and here I am. I started at 1st of march, 2009, and I hope I'll be able to carry on throughout the year. Wish me luck.
Reading about scrapbooking led me to Project365. You can also read about this project here. I love the idea of taking a picture each day and thus having a nice record of the whole year. I've decided to try it, and here I am. I started at 1st of march, 2009, and I hope I'll be able to carry on throughout the year. Wish me luck.
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